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How to lose 60 pounds in 3 months without exercise

The Top 3 Weight Loss Supplements


How to lose 60 pounds in 3 months without exercise

1- BioFit Probiotic

The only way to be fit is to use BioFit Probiotic!

BioFit’s founder Chrissie Miller has presented BioFit Probiotic as a dietary health supplement that encourages people to lose weight at a reasonable pace.

Her team is full of experts and scientists who have put years of trials and efforts into discovering a formula containing organisms (about 5.75 billion organisms).

These microscopic organisms have proven to help in weight loss way better than you try.

Although you’ve failed every time you used new methods of dieting and exercising, this BioFit Probiotic supplement will work for you.

BioFit Probiotic is specially designed to fix your gut health so you never have to suffer from a lagging metabolism.

BioFit Probiotic helps treat gut health problems mainly because science has proven how various good gut bacteria can promote weight loss.

You will never have to fast, follow intermittent fasting or even do strenuous workouts at the gym every day.

Just be active and eat good food, you don’t have to quit eating healthy foods at all.

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How to lose 60 pounds in 3 months without exercise

Let’s have a look at the list of organisms in the BioFit Probiotic Supplement! BioFit Probiotic Reviews

The microbes in the BioFit Probiotic supplement have scientifically proven to reduce bad gut bacteria formation and increase your fat-burning metabolism.

BioFit has 7 microbes that work so well that you never have to consume any other pills or medicines. Here is what the 7 microbes do:

1. Bacillus Subtilis: When you consume medicines or supplements, most of the ingredients do not get absorbed as they don’t reach your gut. However, Bacillus Subtilis can reach your gut even if your stomach acids may attempt to flush it out.

Its butyrate components can activate the fat-burning enzymes in your metabolism. This can help burn more fat and convert it into energy.

2. Bifidobacterium Longum: Although it is present in the gastrointestinal tract, it may not be put to use properly. BioFit ensures this microbe is put in use.

It improves the gastrointestinal functions and intestinal environment. The organism further helps regulate bowel movements so there’s no toxic buildup.

3. Lactobacillus Rhamnosus: It controls symptoms of IBS by strengthening gut health and the digestive system. It is a probiotic that promotes weight loss.

It is proven to be effective in the treatment of diabetes as well as obesity. It throws out impurities from your digestive system.

4. Bifidobacterium Breve: It has therapeutic benefits and hence, it is associated with weight loss in the most scientific manner ever. It helps to reduce stubborn body fats and manage a healthy BMI. It boosts your immune system so your body can fight bad gut bacteria.

5. Lactobacillus Casei: It has a direct impact on obesity as it increases the activities of the metabolic enzymes. It increases the levels of good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol levels.

It can prevent bad bacteria from ruining your fat-burning process. It accelerates digestion and provides you with a healthy muscle mass.

6. Lactobacillus Plantarum: It helps in the treatment of gut health which is the root cause of obesity in adults as well as children.

It treats the functioning of digestive enzymes in a way that your digestion is never affected, you never have cravings and can have a balanced diet always.

7. Lactobacillus Acidophilus: When used with these organisms and microbes, Lactobacillus Acidophilus helps in losing weight.

It promotes weight loss and controls your hunger pangs and cravings at the same time so you never have to eat too much. It helps to digest all the foods that you consume.

These microbes have been proven by scientists and backed by research so there’ll never be any speculation on their effects and functions.

BioFit Probiotic Reviews: BioFit Probiotic works better than other Probiotics.

Many probiotic supplements have numerous chemicals and other harmful ingredients in them.

We must not consume microbes that are not scientifically proven. However, you can definitely try a product that has been backed by various scientific studies.

BioFit Probiotic has numerous microbes that are backed by various other studies as well.

Since the BioFit Probiotic supplement is 100% natural, it works slowly but is bound to function well.

The results are long-lasting and do not make you rely on one BioFit Probiotic supplement forever.

You can consume this BioFit Probiotic supplement if you have tried everything in your power and have failed.

BioFit Probiotic is an FDA approved and GMP certified product made right here in the US.

The BioFit Probiotic supplement is also made with the utmost care and supervision to keep you protected in times of pandemics and epidemics.

Unlike conventional methods of losing weight, you don’t gain weight after quitting the BioFit Probiotic supplement.

These microbes treat the root cause of obesity. They flush out toxins to keep your digestion and metabolism smooth.

You can try this BioFit Probiotic supplement for six months for the best results.

BioFit Probiotic Reviews: The dosage of BioFit Probiotic and method of consumption:

A bottle of BioFit Probiotic contains 30 vegetarian capsules. You need to consume at least one capsule every day for 3 to 6 months.

Instead of taking one microbe, you can take it in the form of a perfect blend capsule.

You should take it either in the morning or at night at fixed durations and try to be regular in consumption.

BioFit Probiotic is better to take your capsules with one full glass of water. Although the BioFit Probiotic supplement is natural, pregnant women and children shouldn’t consume it all.

You should talk to a doctor if you have diabetes, chronic cholesterol troubles or any other health problems.

BioFit Probiotic shouldn’t be taken more than the recommended dosage. Since it is 100% natural, you shouldn’t expect immediate results.

Natural herbs, plant extracts or microbes take time to show effect. Be patient and let the magic happen.

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How to lose 60 pounds in 3 months without exercise

BioFit Probiotic Reviews: Understanding the Microbes in BioFit Probiotic

Yes, the microbes in BioFit Probiotic are more effective than other probiotics. Don’t worry about any side-effects.

The microbes are only extracted from natural organisms and they remain alive in your system until the next day.

You don’t have to rely on BioFit Probiotic, it naturally works as the microbes benefit you in every manner.

These microbes do not disturb the acidic balance in your stomach or the intestinal walls.

They help you digest better and obtain more energy from all ingredients you eat. No matter what you eat, microbes can keep your weight in control.

You don’t need a low-sugar, low-carb, Ketos or Paleo diet. In fact, you can keep eating all the foods you love and never get fat again.

BioFit Probiotic Reviews: Health Benefits of BioFit Probiotic Health Supplement

Consuming BioFit Probiotic every day can help you gain confidence and lose weight. Let us understand the various health benefits of this BioFit Probiotic supplement.

• BioFit Probiotic helps you lose weight and shed fats from stubborn fat areas.

• BioFit Probiotic helps you get rid of the craving.

• BioFit Probiotic reduces the risk of heart diseases, diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure problems.

• BioFit Probiotic supports overall gut health and fights bad bacteria.

• BioFit Probiotic helps you fight obesity.

• BioFit Probiotic supports your digestion, metabolism and bowel movements.

• BioFit Probiotic microbes help you digest the most difficult foods.

• BioFit Probiotic helps convert fats into energy almost instantly.

• BioFit Probiotic helps you sleep better and start your day refreshed.

• BioFit Probiotic ensures you won’t gain the weight you had lost.

• BioFit Probiotic helps you look better, feel better and achieve the most appropriate BMI.

No consumer has ever complained about anything! It is purely beneficial and helps you remain fit.

You can even develop muscle tone as this BioFit Probiotic supplement boosts your energy too

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How to lose 60 pounds in 3 months without exercise

The all natural formula to fight against belly fat, uncontrollable weight gain and intense hunger and cravings.

Let me be honest with you…

If you want to start losing pounds fast…

If you want your jeans to slide off your hips…

If you want to get rid of the nagging fat on the back of your arms…

Around your belly…

And the stubborn fat stuck to your thighs…

CarboFix is your answer.

It's the only all-natural 6-ingredient blend in the world that help activate AMPk... target unexplained weight gain, excess belly fat and uncontrollable hunger.

Now you can finally indulge in your favorite carbs guilt-free…

Knowing they won't be stored as fat.

It's the only formula in the world that combines:

1. Berberine

2. True cinnamon

3. Alpha lipoic acid

4. Chromium

5. Benfotiamine

6. Naringin

And to be 100% transparent…

Here's the exact label on every bottle of CarboFix… you can see that there are no fillers…

There are no hidden sugars

And there are no dangerous chemicals.

It's just 100% pure plant extracts that I've described in detail here today…

All backed by the latest cutting edge research to get you on track for the healthy body you deserve.

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CarboFix Works On Three Unique Levels

Step #1: It helps turn ON AMPk in the body.

Remember, AMPk is found inside every cell…

And serves as your body's "master regulating switch."

It determines your body fat composition…

And how long you'll live.

Supplementing with Berberine…

Combined with the other plant extracts we discussed today…

Activates AMPk.

It also increases fat oxidation - aka fat-burning…

And decreases fat storage.

If you have 15 or more pounds to lose…

Your #1 priority is activating AMPk…

And the fact that it isn't activated yet in your own body…

Is one of the main reasons people gain fat as they get older.

Step #2: It Decreases Hunger & Cravings

Think about how much easier it would be to lose weight…

If you didn't have any cravings or intense hunger.

You know, the kind where you literally can't stop yourself from giving in?

Before you know it…

You're standing in front of the pantry…

With a handful of cookies…

And you don't even remember how you got there…

Or how the cookies got into your hands.

That's how powerful cravings can be.

Yet when you naturally don't have those cravings…

And don't have to try and rely on willpower any longer…

Your mood improves…

Your energy goes way up…

And the fat starts coming off.

Because now you have AMPk activated…

So your body is naturally burning more fat for energy…

And you're no longer snacking or falling victim to sweets.

Now can you see why this works so fast?

You're finally getting out of your own way…

So your body can burn fat naturally like it's supposed to.

Step #3: It BLOCKS Carbs From Being Stored As Fat

This is where most traditional diets fail.

I mean, how many different low carb diets are you going to try…

...before you realize that giving up carbs simply doesn't work for you?

But now you can have your carbs as often as you want…

And you can thank chromium for that.

Chromium helps your body metabolize carbs like it did when you were younger.

Think of it like an air traffic controller…

It improves blood sugar levels by directing nutrients where they need to go in your body.

It's so powerful that in a 4 month trial...

A group of patients lowered insulin levels without changing their diets

And it even helps reduce cholesterol, increase brain health, improve skin, and protect bone health.


Are You Starting To Understand Why You've Struggled For So Long?

Most people over 50 years old…

Don't have AMPk activated in their body.

They also have intense cravings and hunger…

That never goes away.

Which leads them to eat lots of carbs…

...that end up getting stored as fat.

This cycle goes on and on for years…

Even decades…

And it's why obesity has become such a huge problem here in America.

But all that ends today.

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The only reason this was never discovered before…

Was because no one took the time to do the research.

On the exact right plant extracts…

And the exact right doses.

And piece this all together.

I can see why…

It took me...

A trip to a tiny village in Ecuador…

My entire life savings…

Hundreds of sleepless nights…

And more stress, self-doubt, and anxiety than I could have ever imagined.

Yet when I see what it did for my grandma-in-law…

All the people in her village...

My wife Nubbia…

My own family...

And thousands of others across the world…

I know it was worth it.

With These 5 Unique Plant Extracts You Can Finally "Turn On" Your Metabolism Whenever You Want

At this point you've heard about my story to Ecuador…

How my grandma-in-law is young, thin, and 100% self-reliant… 99 years old.

And how Nubbia dropped every last bit of pregnancy fat in record time…

Plus how thousands of women and men are raving…

...about a solution that takes less than 3 seconds a day…

And works when nothing else does.

So let me ask you a question…

What will you see in the mirror two weeks from now?

Be honest with yourself…

Because if you don't take the first step…

Then I fear that nothing will ever change.

With every week that goes by…

You're losing precious time.

Time that you'll never get back.

Whatever life has been like for you…

It doesn't need to stay that way.

That's why…

If you're stuck…

If you're frustrated…

If you're tired of struggling…

Then I want to do something to personally help you.

We've Set Aside The Next 350 Bottles For Readers Of This Letter At An Extreme Discount

You see, we went through our initial 5,000 bottle test batch in less than 24 hours.

Once the word spread online…

Our site nearly crashed.

And once people realized how fast the bottles were going…

They started ordering six or more bottles at a time.

That way they can start burning fat right away…

And keep it going for the rest of the year.

It sounds crazy, but it makes perfect sense.

Especially since there's so much research proving the benefits of AMPk…

And how it can slim down your body and cut back on cravings.

When the first few pounds start coming off…

You'll feel more motivated than ever…

And you'll want it to keep going.

However, since so many people are ordering three to six bottles at a time…

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We're always at the risk of running out of stock.

I mean, I'm just a former trainer from Canada…

I'm not some rich business tycoon with deep pockets…

So keeping inventory on hand and ready to go…

Has been one of my biggest challenges.

And when we run out…

You'll have to wait up to 3 months on average…

Because we're not going to cut corners.

We guarantee the freshest, cleanest plant extracts in every single bottle.

Each bottle of CarboFix is:

1. Manufactured in a CGMP facility approved of by the FDA

2. Clinically validated by research-based doses

3. Third party tested for quality assurance

4. Manufactured using a unique "clean filtering" process to preserve the nutrients in each dose so they never become contaminated

5. Made with 100% pure plant extracts

This process is critical for producing the best plant extract on the market today...

And that takes time and resources.

Because we're not willing to cut corners…

Or compromise on quality…

We can only produce a certain number of bottles at a time.

And With So Much Research Showing That the Longer You Use These Unique Plant Extracts…

The more pounds you can see melt away

The more your hunger naturally decreases

The more your cravings fade away

...especially at bedtime…

And the more fat your metabolism will burn…

It's easy to see why so many frustrated dieters are ordering several bottles at a time.

So they can remain stocked up…

And even give some to their family and friends…

...after they ask you what in the world you've been doing to get so thin.

Now, if you're wondering how much you should take…

Start with one capsule about 30 minutes before your first meal…

And another one 30 minutes before dinner.

That way if you're going to have a higher-carb breakfast like pancakes or waffles…

Or maybe some pizza or spaghetti for dinner…

You'll give the plant extracts plenty of time to work their magic.

Now, if you want even faster results…

Here's what I've found works really well…

...especially for women who've been stalled for a two weeks or more.

Take one 30 minutes before lunch….

As your "mid-day metabolism boost".

Think about it…

Let's say you want to buy a lottery ticket.

Are your chances to win better buying just one ticket…

Or 200?

Of course your chances of winning go up the more tickets you buy.

It's the same thing here…

The more you take, the faster it works.

Now, don't go overboard…

You don't need to take 20 a day.

But start taking them 30 minutes before each meal and snack…

For at least 30 days.

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How to lose 60 pounds in 3 months without exercise

3-Custom Keto Diet

how much fat do you want to shed? And how eagerly do you want to enhance your health?

With your custom keto meal plan, you’ll finally have control over your health and figure. Here’s what you’ll get if you start today:

An eight-week meal plan based on the experience and expertise of industry leaders.That includes nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs to ensure you make optimal progress toward your dream figure.

A diet optimized to your own ideal calorie and macro intake.If you mess up your calorie and macro intake, you might as well not even start a diet. That's why we base your meal plan on science-based methods to figure out the ideal calorie and macro intake for your situation and goals.

Delicious meals based on your food preferences.We’ve done extensive research and testing and united with top-leading keto chefs to provide you with mouth-watering recipes. You’ll get meals customized to your food preferences to ensure you’ll look forward to each meal. This not only makes your diet enjoyable, but also helps you make a long-lasting change.

Instructions on how to further customize your meals.For each meal, we’ll provide you with options to

further customize your diet to your preferences. For instance, if you don’t feel like eating bacon, you may have the choice to replace it with beef.

And much more…

Do You Make These Four Common Diet Mistakes That Sabotage Your Health and Stall Fat Loss?

Mistake #1

Not being in a calorie deficit

According to some “experts,” losing weight and keeping it off is all about controlling the types of food you eat.

They say particular foods are "fattening" because they pause fat burning and cause a hormonal environment that leads to weight gain... while other foods "balance" the system and stimulate fat loss.

While that’s partially true, it doesn't give you the full picture. The reason is that if you want to lower the number on your scale, the most important thing you must do is enter a caloric deficit.

It’s simple. If you consume more calories than you burn, you’ll gain weight. And if you consume fewer calories than you burn, you’ll lose weight. That’s a scientific fact.[2]

Looking for proof? Well, dozens of studies show the vitality of calorie balance.[3-19] One of these is a case study by Mark Haub, a professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University.[20]

He carried excess pounds and, knowing the importance of calorie balance, decided to do an experiment. For two months, he only ate foods like Twinkies, Oreos, Dorito, and protein shakes while maintaining a daily energy deficit of 800 calories.

The result? In just two months, he lost 27 pounds and reduced his body fat from 33.4% to 24.9%.

Now, I don't recommend you follow such a diet, but it illustrates my point. If you want to lose fat, you must be in a calorie deficit.

Mistake #2

Severe calorie restriction that gives you the metabolism of a 90-year-old lady

If an energy deficit of 250 calories a day will get you lean, a 1,000-calorie deficit will give you the results four times as fast, right?

Wrong! Many people make this mistake, and I used to do it too before I knew any better.

The truth is, severe calorie deficits screw up your physiology. That's why almost all low-calorie dieters regain the lost pounds when they stop the program... plus, most often gain some more on top of that.

You see, your body doesn't know you're trying to get ripped for the beach. Instead, because you're starving yourself, it thinks you're stranded with no food.

As a result, your body’s metabolism will plummet to prevent you from losing weight. This means that as soon as you come off your diet, your body will store as much food as possible as fat to prepare itself for the next starvation.

That’s why it’s essential to eat according to a calorie target fine-tuned for your body, your situation, and your goals.

Mistake #3

Thinking all calories are created equal

Thus far, we've looked at calories. And while calories are a crucial piece of the fat loss puzzle, they're in no way the only thing that matters. You see, when most people say they want to lose weight, they actually strive to improve their health and look better.

The thing is, if you want to accomplish such feats, you shouldn’t strive for weight loss. Instead, set your sights on fat loss. That's because losing weight doesn't necessarily improve health and appearance, but losing fat does.

Now, when it comes to fat loss, calories remain a crucial element. But what is just as crucial is your macro intake. In other words, your consumption of protein, carbs, and fat is vital. How you set up your macros has a profound effect on how your body will respond to the meals you eat.

For example, if you consume too many carbs, it’ll be near impossible to lose fat even if you maintain a calorie deficit. That’s because carbs spike insulin, a hormone that blunts fat loss in two main ways.

One of these is that elevated insulin levels block the release of fat from your fat cells.[21-23] And if your cells can't release fat, your body can never burn off the excess.

Second, elevated insulin levels cause the storage of energy found in your bloodstream to morph into body fat cells.[23-25] This means the energy won’t get burned off by tissues like muscle but instead snakes its way around to places like your hips and abs.

That’s why researchers call insulin the "fat storage hormone," and that’s why carb-rich diets make it nearly impossible to lose fat.

Insulin is but one example. Optimizing your macros is crucial for many more reasons, so in a minute I’ll show you how to set up your macros to triple fat loss.

The best part? The method I’ll show you in a minute from now is effortless to follow and never leaves you hungry. In fact, this eating style is so satiating and easy to follow that you would probably forget you were on a diet if you weren’t losing fat so fast.

Mistake #4

Following an unrealistic, overly restrictive diet

Willpower works like a battery – you only have so much of it until it runs out. That’s why very restrictive diets deplete your willpower, increase your cravings, and lead to binging – the exact opposite of what you want when trying to build your dream body.[26-27]

I've seen it countless times before... a guy or gal who is dedicated to losing weight and getting healthy. To kick things off, they start a diet that only allows food like tilapia, asparagus, and chicken. After all, that’s what the fitness magazines recommend.

While the results are great in the beginning and the dieter loyally brings Tupperware boxes packed with "healthy" meals wherever they go, their willpower eventually runs out and that diet gets tossed out the window.

Just keep in mind that dieting itself is already hard. Don't make it even harder for yourself by enforcing all kinds of unnecessary restrictions. Otherwise, you’ll likely take on a “screw it” mentally after a few weeks or even days, wake up in a sea of Twinkie wrappers and be back to square one.


Custom Keto Diet


What Truly Sets These Meal Plans Apart is that They’re Based on the Keto Diet


Unless you were lost in the Himalayas for the last few years, I bet you've heard of the keto diet. In fact, you probably have a friend or family member who has transformed their body like magic with this diet.

But in case you didn’t know or just forgot, here’s a quick recap. A keto diet is an eating style where you consume almost no carbs, moderate amounts of protein, and high amounts of dietary fat. So, you’ll be eating tasty high-fat meals like ribeye steak with roasted garlic and butter.

“Why would you do that?” you may wonder. Well, a very low carb intake puts you into a state called “ketosis.” You see, under regular circumstances, your body relies for the most part on glucose (the stored form of carb).

When you minimize your carb intake, however, there's not enough glucose available for your body to fuel all its functions. And because some tissues like your brain cannot use fat for fuel, your body needs an alternative energy source to stay alive.

That’s where ketones come in. Ketones are chemicals produced in your liver when glucose is scarce. Various tissues like your brain can use these ketones for fuel when glucose is absent.[28] That's an excellent outcome because, otherwise, you would die.

Now, when your body uses primarily ketones and fatty acids for fuel, you're in a state called “ketosis.” That’s invaluable because...

Ketosis Gives You an “Unfair” Advantage on Your Fat Loss Goals

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